
44 pages 1 hour read

Margaret Peterson Haddix

Among the Impostors

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2001

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Chapters 22-27Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 22 Summary

Luke and the rest of the group sneak back into the school, and jackal boy takes Luke to the nurse since he’s bleeding from running into the tree. He covers for Luke, telling the nurse that Luke walked into a wall, fell, and was possibly kicked. Jackal boy and Luke return to their room, where jackal boy tells everyone he’s tired of bullying Luke and that he’s going to leave him alone. The next morning, jackal boy invites Luke to sit with him and the other hall monitors at breakfast. Luke asks why the school has no windows, strange students, and indifferent teachers. Jackal boy explains that the school was one of two experimental schools—along with Harlowe for girls—to feed and house society’s troubled youth. The founder felt windows would be problematic for the children with autism and agoraphobia who attend the school. Jackal boy as describes the teachers “the real dregs” (106), saying they can’t get jobs anywhere else. Luke explains he’s disappointed he isn’t learning anything, but jackal boy tells him to stick close to him and Luke will find out what he needs to know. Luke feels much safer surrounded by jackal boy’s group.

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