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Michael CrichtonA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
The warriors sail into the lands of the Dans to Trelburg, a military outpost featuring a high wall around 16 wooden longhouses. The warriors are welcomed by the chief of Trelburg, Sagard, who talks with Buliwyf about the task that lays ahead. Sagard reveals that Rothgar’s sons fought among themselves until one named Wiglif emerged as the apparent heir. Herger says that that the strongest defenses in Trelburg are pointed inland “because of the mists” (39). The true danger is not at sea.
They set sail again and Herger tells Ahmad that they are entering “the sea of monsters” (40). As the sea becomes choppy and Ahmad glimpses a sea monster in the froth, though his description of the monster is similar to a pod of whales. That night as they sit around the fire, Buliwyf’s lieutenant Ecthgow tells Ahmad about the time his ship was attacked by sea monsters. They sail on and eventually reach the kingdom of Rothgar. While Ahmad is impressed by the buildings, the Norsemen claim that the mountaintop placement of Rothgar’s great hall is an indication of his vanity. Herger claims that Rothgar deserves “the misfortune that has come to him” (41) because he has tried to build an impregnable hall which challenges the gods. Despite their denials, the Norse warriors are afraid.
The warriors march up the hill to Rothgar’s hall. They notice odd footprints in the mud and repeat the word “wendol.” They pass a farmhouse and discover that the inhabitants have been decapitated and the bodies have teeth marks. Outside, they find a stone idol in the shape of a pregnant woman’s torso and Buliwyf smashes it. At Rothgar’s hall, Hurot, the warriors are annoyed by their delayed entrance and Buliwyf is unimpressed with Rothgar’s governance. Ahmad is impressed by the monumental size of Hurot, but Rothgar himself seems frail. Rothgar laments the violence in his kingdom and Buliwyf promises to help.
At the feast that night, Rothgar’s son Wiglif arranges for an attack on Buliwyf, but Buliwyf kills the attacker. Ahmad is asked to entertain the Norsemen and tells an old story from Baghdad about a miser’s tattered slippers which at first pleases his hosts, but then upsets them. Herger makes a joke at Ahmad’s expense, restoring the jovial mood.
The next day, people set up defenses under Buliwyf’s direction. A local elderly woman also known as the angel of death predicts that the mist will arrive that night. Buliwyf organizes a feast but tells his warriors to prepare for battle. Ahmad learns that “wendol” refers to “black fiends who murder and kill and eat the flesh of human beings” (50). The wendol disappeared into the northern mists generations ago but have returned for an unknown reason. Buliwyf and his warriors pretend to sleep inside Hurot Hall. The wendol surround Hurot and break inside. Ahmad fights alongside Buliwyf and his warriors, but is knocked down by a wendol. Suddenly, the wendol vanish into the night. Three of Buliwyf’s warriors are dead but the only trace of the wendol is a severed arm, cut free by Buliwyf with his sword Runding.
Ahmad is surprised that Buliwyf and his men seem pleased only for the warriors who died in battle, because they were afforded glorious deaths and immediate passage to the afterlife. The Norsemen are afraid: They know the wendol will return with a vengeance. Herger speculates that the wendol will return as Korgon, the name for “the glowworm dragon which swoops down through the air” (56). Buliwyf directs the construction of more defenses. Ahmad helps, pausing only to “have [his] way with a slave woman in the Northman’s fashion” (57). Ahmad thinks about the stark differences between the women in Baghdad and the women in the North.
At the feast that night, Buliwyf and his warriors drink heavily, believing that the mists will not return due to the direction of the wind and the advice of the angel of death. The next day, Ahmad learns that Wiglif has told his father that Buliwyf plans to kill Rothgar and take the throne. Ahmad tells this to Herger, who tells Buliwyf. Herger and Buliwyf make a plan: They goad Wiglif’s friend Ragnar into challenging Herger to a duel. At the moment Ragnar is about to kill Herger, Herger moves suddenly and cuts off Ragnar’s head, proving to Wiglif that Buliwyf and his men are as cunning as they are strong. Herger believes that Wiglif will not spread any more conspiracies against Buliwyf, but he laments the loss of a fighting man.
At night, the mist returns. Buliwyf oversees the creation of a moat filled with stakes and the townspeople soak themselves and their buildings in water. Ahmad begs not to be drenched; Herger douses him anyway but offers Ahmad a drink of mead “to ease the chill” (64). Ahmad accepts. Ahmad and Herger swap stories and jokes to stay awake during watch. Their conversation is interrupted by the sighting of the Korgon, a long line of fires lit in the distance. The fires are carried by the wendol and look “like the undulating body of a dragon” (66) from afar. The wendol head down from the mountain toward the town.
When the wendol arrive, the battle begins. The town’s defenses provide some protection, and the soaked buildings are slow to catch fire. The fighting rages on through the night, and Ahmad wakes up in the morning as a dog licks his face. He surveys the battlefield, covered in the bodies of men, women, and children. Two of Buliwyf’s men are dead and others are wounded. Ahmad’s wounds are tended to, and he tries to match the Norsemen’s stoicism despite his pain. Herger reveals the latest plan. Rather than waiting for another assault, Buliwyf and the warriors will attack the wendol in their home.
Buliwyf and his remaining warriors ride to where the wendol live. They follow a trail of blood into the hills to at a vast, misty stretch of land which the Norsemen call the “desert of dread” (72). As they cross the soggy desert into the “land of the wendol” (73), the horses become skittish and the Norsemen are nervous, though none will admit it. They pass giant bear skulls mounted on spikes; the wendol worship bears. They find a giant rock carved into the shape of a pregnant woman’s torso, coated in the blood of human sacrifices. Ahmad learns that this is the mother of the wendol, a deity who dictates their cannibalism.
The men advance with their swords drawn. They arrive at a ledge overlooking the wendol encampment: The wendol live in a valley of ramshackle huts arranged around a large fire. The wendol are “creatures of the night” (74) who sleep during the day. After some mead, the warriors leave behind their horses and descend into the encampment. They rush into the huts but find no one inside, only human bones littering the floors. The warriors burn down the huts and return to the kingdom of Rothgar. Buliwyf and his men are sad that the wendol have outwitted them.
As Ahmad travels with Buliwyf and the other warriors, Crichton’s novel begins to diverge more significantly from historical record. Ahmad ibn Fadlan’s account of the Norsemen did not include being recruited into a band of warriors to fight a supernatural race of cannibals. Eaters of the Dead uses Ahmad ibn Fadlan’s descriptions as a foundation and integrates elements of the epic poem Beowulf, which describes a Norse warrior’s battle against monsters and dragons at the request of a foreign king. Many elements of Eaters of the Dead are inspired by Beowulf, including Buliwyf’s name, Hurot Hall, and the mother of the wendol. However, Crichton’s novel maintains the conceit that it presents Ahmad ibn Fadlan’s historical manuscript in its totality for the first time. The footnotes, the occasional interjections by the Editor, and the presentation of the novel never changes, even as Ahmad ibn Fadlan’s actual experiences are blended with events and ideas from Beowulf. Crichton purposefully blurs the line between history and legend in a narrative strategy intended to engage both skeptical readers, and readers who may be familiar with the famous Old English tale of Beowulf.
The more time Ahmad spends with the Norsemen, the more integrated into their culture he becomes. The alien culture he first encountered begins to make more sense to him. He learns how completely invested the Norsemen are in their idea of personal honor, just as Ahmad is devoted to his Muslim faith. To the Norsemen, honor and warfare are religious expressions, as fighting well ensures them a place in the afterlife. The preservation of honor maintains order in their society, just as Ahmad was sent away from Baghdad society for challenging the honor of the wealthy man’s wife. As Ahmad begins to understand these elements of the Norse culture through experience, he begins to see the nuances and complexities of their society. The more he learns, the more he begins to internalize their ideas and adopt them as his own. He begins to drink alcohol, to speak the Norse language, and to take up arms willingly against the wendol. Ahmad’s developing empathy for and understanding of Norse culture is a significant change from his disgust and fear at encountering other cultures early in the novel. Ahmad even develops a new sense of honor as he integrates into Norse society, fighting alongside them. As Ahmad has spent more time learning about the Norsemen, he has come to appreciate their culture. Life in the kingdom of Rothgar may be difficult, but Ahmad understands that there is a depth and complexity to the Norse culture which is worth protecting.
By contrast, both Ahmad and the Norsemen reject wendol society completely. Through the violence and supernatural aura of the wendol, Crichton suggests that Norse society and Baghdad society have more in common with each other in terms of cultural values than with this other Northern European group. The wendol are creatures of the mist, who possess no civilization or society deemed worthy of understanding by Ahmad. The physical distance of the wendol encampment from the last outpost of Norse civilization implies their lack of humanity. Like Ahmad assumed he was doing when he left Baghdad, the warriors leave behind society to seek out the wendol. To take on the monsters, they must travel beyond the trappings of the civilized world and encounter the wendol in the chaotic wilderness of life beyond the boundaries of civilized society. In this section of the novel, Crichton also illuminates the book’s title; the cannibalistic wendol are the eponymous eaters of the dead, an abstraction of Grendel, the deadly monster in the epic poem Beowulf. As Crichton fictionalized Ahmad’s historical account, here he reverses his narrative strategy by transforming the supernatural monster from Beowulf into a human threat.
By Michael Crichton