37 pages • 1 hour read
Will HobbsA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Gabe and Raymond decide to leave the cabin. They create a toboggan to carry most of their supplies and food. During their last night in the cabin, they hear a raven outside, which Raymond says is a bad sign. In the morning, they pack up as much as they can and leave. Gabe looks back at the cabin and thinks “about all that had happened there” and realizes that Raymond is also looking back at the cabin as they walk away (133). They walk on the frozen Nahanni River towards the canyon ahead. On their journey, they encounter a spot in the canyon where all the ice is melted so they cannot get across except for a small ice bridge. Gabe tests out the ice bridge on his own, but it cracks, and he becomes submerged in water. Raymond pulls him out of the water, but Gabe is in danger from being wet. Raymond quickly builds a fire, strips Gabe of his wet clothes, and provides an extra set of warm clothes. When Gabe thanks Raymond for saving his life, Raymond brushes it off and says, “Oh, I just didn’t want to go back to Deadmen Valley by myself” (139). The next day, they head back to the cabin. It takes them four days. When they arrive, a wolverine is inside, and they discover that it got in through the roof and destroyed almost everything they left inside.
Raymond and Gabe decide to travel to the Yukon where there will be more moose. Raymond remembers that Johnny said that there would be no game in their area because all the animals travel west to the Yukon in the winter. A blizzard keeps them in the cabin, but they use that time to prepare by making beaver fur mittens and face masks from some of Johnny’s things. When the blizzard is over, they head out with the goals of getting at least one moose so that they have enough food for the rest of the winter. They spot sheep, but Raymond tells Gabe that sheep do not have a lot of meat on them. At night, Gabe struggles to think, “thinking about what was to come” (147). Another blizzard comes, and afterwards Gabe tries to be optimistic about getting a moose. Raymond gets upset and yells, “I’m not Johnny Raven!” (149). They commiserate together and keep walking. Later, they decide to use one bullet for a sheep and then the last bullet for a moose whenever they find them. Gabe and Raymond see a ram.
The ram that Gabe and Raymond see goes into a cave. When Raymond is getting ready to shoot it, they realize that they can kill the ram with an axe instead of wasting a bullet on it. Gabe makes a lasso and gets the ram after a few attempts. When he lassos the ram, the ram runs away with Gabe and Raymond in tow. Raymond beats the ram to death with the axe, but not before getting kicked in the head. Gabe helps Raymond clean the wound and then they feast on the sheep. While they are eating, a raven flies around them. Raymond feeds the raven all it wants and says he knew where the cave with the ram was because he heard a raven flying around it. After leaving the cave to continue towards the Yukon, Raymond starts to see and hear a raven, but Gabe cannot see it. The raven is up on a ridge, and even though Gabe is doubtful, they climb up towards it. On the ridge, they see blood and “large bird tracks in the snow” (159). Gabe tells him how the night before Johnny died, he saw him dancing like a raven over Raymond while Raymond slept. Gabe wonders if it was Johnny giving him “raven medicine,” and that is why Raymond can see and hear ravens that Gabe cannot (160). They follow the blood trail until they start to see moose and wolf tracks. When they finally see the moose, Raymond misses the first shot. The moose doesn’t run far, however, because its intestines are falling out of it because of a wolf attack. Raymond uses the last bullet and shoots the moose in the heart.
Ravens come and eat some of the entrails of the moose while Raymond skins and butchers the meat. They decide that they will spend the rest of the winter back at the cabin. To haul the meat, they will have to go in two trips: one trip with Gabe hauling the first half while Raymond stays behind and protects the other half, then together for the second trip. While Gabe is alone on the first trip, he keeps going even though he knows it is getting colder. He was “half-frozen, too cold to think” when he sinks knee-deep into some hidden wet snow (168). He almost dies while trying to make a fire to warm up his body because his hands are too cold. He doesn’t even realize that he burned his hand on the fire because he cannot feel anything. Gabe stays by the fire all night and is “extremely lucky to be alive” (171). The next day, he reaches the cabin and stores the food in the cache. It only takes Gabe one day to return to Raymond. Raymond puts antiseptic on Gabe’s hand wound. Together, they take the rest of their supplies and food to the cabin. When they reach the cabin, they discover that the food cache is broken, and they find enormous bear tracks everywhere.
Without Johnny, Raymond, and Gabe lean on each other even more to survive. Although Raymond is casual about saving Gabe from freezing to death, he is voicing that he does not want to go through the ordeal of survival alone. Raymond needs Gabe to survive, and Gabe needs Raymond to survive. They are both very different people, yet they both have a similar goal to stay alive. Without Johnny to hunt for moose for them, Gabe and Raymond must figure out how to get meat on their own. Gabe’s optimism and hopefulness starts to annoy Raymond, especially when he assumes Raymond should take responsibility for hunting because he knows slightly more about it than Gabe. Raymond’s outburst about not being Johnny Raven shows how he doesn’t want to oversee their survival and that just because Raymond is also Dene, it doesn’t mean that he knows everything Johnny did. Instead, they need to work together to survive. Once Gabe and Raymond start to think and work together to hunt, they are much more successful.
Part of Raymond and Gabe’s success in hunting is because of the raven. So far in the story, ravens have played a small part. A raven picks at the moose meat in Chapter 10 and Raymond reprimands Gabe for throwing a stick at it. In Chapter 12, they see a raven at night and see it as a sign leading to a moose for Johnny to hunt down. Now, in Chapter 17, Raymond sees ravens, and this leads to a moose. Gabe tells Raymond that he saw Johnny dancing over his body before he died and wonders if the dance was Johnny giving Raymond “raven medicine” (160). The raven medicine gave Raymond the ability to see the ravens that Gabe couldn’t see, which led them to the moose they would eat. Although the moose meat would later be eaten by the winter bear, another example of how nature is unforgiving, Raymond’s ability to hunt the moose means that they have a chance at survival.
By Will Hobbs
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